19 January 18
ZeM – Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies
Hermann-Elflein-Straße 18
14467 Potsdam
Aesthetic Research: Project-Based Doctorial Thesis in Media Studies
In the course of the Bologna Process programs for doctoral studies as general and artistic qualification have been fostered in the European as well as international academic landscape. Aim of the workshop is to gather different perspectives on the possibilities and challenges of aesthetic research in media studies. This includes the discussion of formal needs and constraints, like the institutionalized process of examination as well as methodical and organizational questions of research and supervision. It also includes to take into consideration media specific research practices, the reflection of particular processes as well as the question of documentation for research purposes.
Part of the guiding questions of the discussion will be: How can doctoral research projects reflect upon the relationship between aesthetics, mediality, and theory? In which ways can research objects and processes in media studies be documented, published, and, archived? Researchers and artists from Belgium, England, Finland, Germany, and Suisse working in and coordinating doctoral programs have been invited to give insight in their working processes and institutional structures.
Friday January 19 2018, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The workshop will be held in English. Guests are welcome. Please register with until January 15.
10:00 Welcome & Introduction
10:45 Mika Elo, Helsinki
Shintaro Miyazaki, Basel
Fee Altman, Potsdam
Stefan Winter, Potsdam
11:45 Discussion
12:45 Lunch break
2:30 Nicolas Malévé, Brussels/London
Sandra Schäfer, Hamburg/London
Saskia Oidtmann, Berlin
Hendrik Quast, Berlin
Florian Goldman, Potsdam
3:45 Discussion
5:00 End
The workshop is a project of European Media Studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and University of Potsdam.
Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Sophie Ehrmanntraut, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Prof. Winfried Gerling, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Prof. Anne Quirynen, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
In cooperation with Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM) in Potsdam.