08. Dezember 23
Digitalvilla am Hedy-Lamarr-Platz
Raum 1.10
Karl-Marx-Str. 67
14482 Potsdam
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Vortrag „Control of Loss: Carbolytics“ von Joana Moll
Veranstaltung auf Englisch.
Joana Moll’s work explores and addresses the relationships between digitality, materiality and politics – and the various effects these relationships have on society, economy and ecology. Her main research topics include the materiality of the internet, surveillance, social profiling, interfaces and energy. Her work is presented in renowned museums, galleries, universities and festivals around the world. With „Carbolytics“ she presents her latest project.
Carbolytics is a project at the intersection of art and research that aims to raise awareness and call for action on the environmental impact of pervasive surveillance within the advertising technology ecosystem (AdTech), as well as to provide a new perspective to address the social and environmental costs of opaque data collection practices. Online tracking is the act of collecting data from online user activity, such as reading the news, purchasing items, interacting on social media or simply doing an online search. It is known that tracking and recording users’ behaviour has become a major business model in the last decade. However, even though the societal and ethical consequences of abusive online surveillance practices have been a subject of public debate at least since Snowden’s revelations in 2013, the energy and environmental costs of such processes have been kept away from the public eye. The global data collection apparatus is a complex techno maze that needs vast amounts of resources to exist and operate, yet companies rarely disclose information on the environmental footprint of such operations. Moreover, part of the energy costs of data collection practices is inflicted upon the user, who also involuntarily assumes a portion of its environmental footprint. Although this is a critical aspect of surveillance, there’s an alarming lack of social, political, corporate and governmental will for accountability, thus a call for action is urgent.
The Carbolytics project is commissioned by Aksioma, in collaboration with Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and in partnership with The Weizenbaum Insitute + Sónar +D.
18:15 Uhr Begrüßung und Einführung, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau (Universität Potsdam), Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer (Fachhochschule Potsdam/Universität Potsdam)
18:30 Uhr KEYNOTE LECTURE Control of Loss: Carbolytics, Joana Moll (Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer)
Zoom-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82778939573?pwd=U2JZdnJaMVh5eUFqT1V5bS90Z3ZQdz09, Kenncode: 784825.
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Kuratiert von Verena Voigt (GFZK e.V.)
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen des ZeM-Jahresschwerpunkts „Verlustkontrolle“ in Kooperation mit dem Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Prozesse & Systeme der Universität Potsdam, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ing. Norbert Gronau und mit der Gesellschaft für zeitgenössische Konzepte e.V., gefördert durch das ZeM – Brandenburgisches Zentrum für Medienwissenschaften.