is a reserach associate at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education in Frankfurt am Main, a former ZeM scholarship holder.
is a reserach associate at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education in Frankfurt am Main, a former ZeM scholarship holder.
is a research associate at the University of Bremen, a former ZeM scholarship holder.
is an academic associate at the Brandenburg Technical University at the Institute for Applied Media Studies.
was a ZeM scholarship holder. She conducts research on Drawing as a Collective Practice of Knowledge.
was a fellow at the research group Visibility and Visualisation – Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge and the ZeM with a project on the utilization of models as means of representing catastrophic events.
was a ZeM scholarship holder and researches the Media Philosophy of Environment.
was a ZeM scholarship holder and carried out research on Media culture history of the spark. He is an academic associate at the Institute for Arts and Media at the University of Potsdam.
was a ZeM scholarship holder and researches on topic of Staying in the Anthropocene or going beyond.
was a ZeM scholarship holder and finished her PhD project on “The Choreography of the Event.”
is a research assistant for dramaturgy and aesthetics of audiovisual media at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
was a ZeM scholarship holder and researches the topic of the Reichsfilmarchiv.